Friday, May 05, 2006

Tune Connection.

Happy Birthday, Jen.


Anonymous said...

Oh--I really enjoyed watching that!! Great hair--and I understand that's hard to computerize. Thanks for sharing that.

albert said...

Hello sher,

I wish this piece was my own creation. This is from a website called and they have lots of clips about anything you could think of... Also, you can upload your own clip to show to others.

BTW, what's on the menu for this weekend?

Jeni said...

Sorry-I just saw this. That was sweet and an excellent choice.

Thanks a lot. I got your card, too. Good job with the funny.

albert said...

One point on a score card..

Anonymous said...


This weekend I'm going crazy. Wanna come? Actually, I'm trying to get a lot of things done that I should have already done.......same old story. I will probably have to go to Reno for a couple days to fulfill an obligation.

albert said...


I've always liked going out of town for a few days, it helps clearing out my mind. Of course, to complete the obligation, too. ;)

Ennoy your stay at Reno.
Bet $1.00 for me, If I win, I promise I'll give you half.