Yes, I've finally done it. I've went to a music concert on my own. The last music concert I've seen was back in Korea, 'Charity Concert from the Red Cross' hehe, yea, it was awesome.. right. They did had some of A celebrities appear, but mostly the B's and the C's.
Since then closest celebrity encounter I had was about 6 month ago, my friend Gary and I were in the Club 152, which is located in Beale St. (pretty famous street where Blues musicians made their legends), we're drinking and 'checking out' the crowds.. All of the sudden, Steven Seagal walks in to the joint! Gary looked at me then asked the obvious question, "hey, is that Steven Seagal?," I replied "Yea, dude. This is crazy. I've heard that he bought a house in Memphis, guess that's true." He got on the stage, put on a guitar, started to jamming away.
I've always been interested in music, but never 'organize' or 'plan' myself to attend an event or two. Also, Memphis isn't the place where many of artists schedule their concerts. (at least the 'ones' that I like to see).
We do have a big summer event which lot of artists performs, but I never wanted to be in that crowd.. Why? For a some reason, every year around that event, it rained.
The official name of that event is "Memphis In May Music Fest," but the locals call it the "Mud Fest" I tend to like some of artists comes through but nah, not me.
There are small concerts throughout the year, but I didn't find enough interests in them to go see. (and get muddy.. Right)
Ohhh, there was one time, I almost had a chance to see one of my fav. band Linkin Park in town, but that dumb ass Amber, then my ex-girlfriend's employee, supposed to hold my tickets then ended up selling my tickets to some stranger! She 'forgot the hold' part, and I think she was upset with her manager 'my ex,' oh well. Since then I haven't got inspired to go attend a music concert.
Last February, I've logged onto and found out he's having a US Summer Tour, and schedules including Atlanta(Sat. 13th of May), Nashville(Sun. 14th), St. Louis(Mon. 15th).. See? Memphis wasn't in the plan. I've picked Nashville because it's the closest.
From Memphis to Nashville takes about 3hours, I've got there 2 hours early to do some sight seeing, then met this group.

Kelly, Micah, Holley
Cheers mates!
Concert was great!
Although I had this lady next to me who kept telling me not to "sing,"

I'll leave you with this...