Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Love This Game.

Worm: You know what always cheers me up when I'm feeling shitty?

Mike: What?

Worm: Rolled up aces over kings.

Mike: Is that right?

Worm: Yeah. Check-raising stupid tourists and taking huge pots off of them.

Mike: Yea?

Worm: Stacks and towers of checks I can't even see over. Playing all-night High-Limit Hold'em at the Taj, "Where the Sand turns to Gold?"


Mike: Fuck it, let's go.

Worm: Don't tease me.

Mike: Let's go play some fucking cards.


albert said...

Thank you so much!

Come back often.

Patrick Bandau said...

hey albert,
no joke! I´ve seen this movie two days ago! Rounders; isn´t it!?

albert said...


Hahaha, Thank you for being a good observer.

Come back often.

The Missing Link said...

I thought that sounded quite familiar... Rounders is one of my favorite movies - Nice job!

albert said...

Hello ML,

Thank you very much for stopping by...

Was worried a little but, I belived that you're a strong person.

Best wishes for you, and please come back soon!
